Facebook Friendly

Even though you may run a small business or store, there's no reason why you shouldn't try to reach out to a larger audience.  According to an article from Entrepreneur, one way to do that is with Facebook.  Even though it's been around since 2004, and while you may or may not have one, it's important to realize (and remember) that Facebook gives small business owners a chance to engage in customer service matters.  Whether you're sending or receiving a message, Facebook is an excellent platform on which you can do both.  With Facebook, you can easily get your customers involved, and give them a voice of their own.
It’s important in any business to be willing and able to communicate with your customers.  By giving them a method which they can easily use to communicate questions, comments, or concerns, you also give yourself a chance to establish credibility, and build and improve your reputation.
You can read more here in the article from Entrepreneur.

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